Saturday 16 February 2013

Type of Diabetes That Strikes Teenager

Be careful with diabetes .There are several types of diabetes that can be suffered by humans. but there are several types of diabetes is most common in

1. Diabetes Type 1

or type 1 diabetes is also called insulin dependent. diabetes occurs when the body does not produce insulin can both whatsoever. diabetes often strikes children and adolescents.

This type of diabetes is caused by the pancreas can not produce insulin at all that insulin should be given by way of injection. if there is no insulin the patient would quickly unconsciousness or coma Diabetic ketoacidosis or coma

2. Diabetes Type 2

Occurs when the body can produce insulin but can not produce optimally. can also when cells in the body do not react with insulin or also called insulin resistance

symptoms are generally slow growing, so many people do not know that he had diabetes. people affected by diabetes is not absolutely require insulin injections because the pancreas is still able to produce insulin

3. gestational diabetes

Diabetes is common in pregnant women are estimated to occur about 2-5 percent of all pregnancies. This condition occurs because the body lacks the ability to produce insulin needed by the body

diabetes is common in women who have a family history of diabetes or it could be due to obesity.


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