Tuesday 19 February 2013

Male chocolate lovers have a lower stroke risk

Consuming chocolate regularly may reduce the risk of stroke. Researchers who follow the diet of more than 37 thousand men for a decade found that those who ate more chocolate had a 17% lower risk than men who do not eat chocolate

Previous research shows that chocolate fans have a lower risk for heart-related disease and stroke. "The positive effect of chocolate consumption on stroke mungking associated with higher levels of flavonoids in chocolate," wrote Susanna Larsson, of the Karolinska institud in Stockholm, who led the study.

Flavonoids are compounds that act as antioxidants that may have a positive effect on blood cholesterol and blood vessels.

In the study about 37 thousand Swedish men aged 49-75 years reported intake of chocolate and some food in their consumption. around 1995 he suffered a stroke for the first time

to 25% of men with the highest chocolate consumption had a stroke risk 73 people per 100 thousand people per year. less than men who ate chocolate less that 85 persons per 100 thousand people

You still can not advise people to eat chocolate based on this. Think of the negative effects that can arise such as Type 2 Diabetes and Obesity.


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