Friday 22 February 2013

Wine, useful and dangerous

Wine is a lot of health benefits. Wine can help prevent cancer, lowers cholesterol, and is good for the heart. According to research at the Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research Institute in Ohio, a glass of red wine a day can prevent and treat breast cancer. This is because of Wine resveratol antioxidants which are the servant of infection.

But the latest study from Rutgers University in the United States about the dangers Reveal duagelas wine consumption per day for brain health. even moderate consumption also can both reduce production to 40 percent of brain cells. described as Megan Anderson, author on the study.

"In the short term it does not look a problem with the functioning of the brain, as well as motor functions., But in the long term, adverse effects of wine will strike a memory," said anderson

The researchers also did The observations in mice. groups of rats were given wine, where there is 0.08 percent alcohol, and this is very disturbing brain cells. Alcohol is also impair motor skills rats. The number of nerve cells in the brain's hippocampus also reduced by nearly 40 percent. compared with rats that did not consume wine.

"This is a substantial reduction in the number of brain cells, which is the longer it will have serious effects for adults"


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