Monday 4 March 2013

Tips To Make Your Sleep Soundly

Sometimes a good night's sleep is a dream for some people.

Here are tips to make your sleep soundly

1. Exercise

Health experts are definitely encourages us to exercise regularly. Maybe you were already tired of listening to this advice many times.

One of the benefits of exercise is to help you to fall asleep at night and you get quality sleep.

2. Schedule your Sleep Time

Schedule a time to sleep is one of the clubs in getting quality sleep. Avoid irregular sleep, for example, today you go to bed at 09.00 AM, the next day you go to bed at 12.00 pm and the day after you go to bed at 10:00 PM. Regularity will help your body's metabolism running well

3. Do Eating too much before bedtime

Make sure you do not eat too much before bed
dinner moderation is recommended. stomach that is too full can make you difficult to sleep. if you still feel hungry I suggest snacking fruit alone

4. Turn off your computer

If you can not get away from your computer either for browsing or playing games it is advisable for you to create a gap between you and stop playing computer before you rise above your bed at least half an hour. This serves to make your brain relax while playing the game because your brain is working hard. And it is very influential on the quality of your sleep

5. Make sure the room you sleep

Most of the experts recommend you turn off the lights when we rest. because it will affect the quality of our sleep. light effect will stimulate certain hormones in our bodies, and ultimately affect the metabolism in our body

Friday 22 February 2013

Wine, useful and dangerous

Wine is a lot of health benefits. Wine can help prevent cancer, lowers cholesterol, and is good for the heart. According to research at the Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research Institute in Ohio, a glass of red wine a day can prevent and treat breast cancer. This is because of Wine resveratol antioxidants which are the servant of infection.

But the latest study from Rutgers University in the United States about the dangers Reveal duagelas wine consumption per day for brain health. even moderate consumption also can both reduce production to 40 percent of brain cells. described as Megan Anderson, author on the study.

"In the short term it does not look a problem with the functioning of the brain, as well as motor functions., But in the long term, adverse effects of wine will strike a memory," said anderson

The researchers also did The observations in mice. groups of rats were given wine, where there is 0.08 percent alcohol, and this is very disturbing brain cells. Alcohol is also impair motor skills rats. The number of nerve cells in the brain's hippocampus also reduced by nearly 40 percent. compared with rats that did not consume wine.

"This is a substantial reduction in the number of brain cells, which is the longer it will have serious effects for adults"

Thursday 21 February 2013

Junk food increased risk asthma in children

International research shows, eating junk food three times a week appeared to lowered immunity in children and increases the risk of asthma and eskim.

A research project involving more than 50 countries found that teens who ate burgers three times a week or more were 39 percent more mungkinuntuk severe asthma. As for carrying children 27 percent more at risk.

"Fast food may contribute to increased asthma, rhinoconjunctivitis and eskim. Consumption of fruits and vegetables regularly can protect against diseases likely the disease," says researcher,

Fruits and vegetables may reduce the risk of disease caused by these junkfood

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Male chocolate lovers have a lower stroke risk

Consuming chocolate regularly may reduce the risk of stroke. Researchers who follow the diet of more than 37 thousand men for a decade found that those who ate more chocolate had a 17% lower risk than men who do not eat chocolate

Previous research shows that chocolate fans have a lower risk for heart-related disease and stroke. "The positive effect of chocolate consumption on stroke mungking associated with higher levels of flavonoids in chocolate," wrote Susanna Larsson, of the Karolinska institud in Stockholm, who led the study.

Flavonoids are compounds that act as antioxidants that may have a positive effect on blood cholesterol and blood vessels.

In the study about 37 thousand Swedish men aged 49-75 years reported intake of chocolate and some food in their consumption. around 1995 he suffered a stroke for the first time

to 25% of men with the highest chocolate consumption had a stroke risk 73 people per 100 thousand people per year. less than men who ate chocolate less that 85 persons per 100 thousand people

You still can not advise people to eat chocolate based on this. Think of the negative effects that can arise such as Type 2 Diabetes and Obesity.

Saturday 16 February 2013

Type of Diabetes That Strikes Teenager

Be careful with diabetes .There are several types of diabetes that can be suffered by humans. but there are several types of diabetes is most common in

1. Diabetes Type 1

or type 1 diabetes is also called insulin dependent. diabetes occurs when the body does not produce insulin can both whatsoever. diabetes often strikes children and adolescents.

This type of diabetes is caused by the pancreas can not produce insulin at all that insulin should be given by way of injection. if there is no insulin the patient would quickly unconsciousness or coma Diabetic ketoacidosis or coma

2. Diabetes Type 2

Occurs when the body can produce insulin but can not produce optimally. can also when cells in the body do not react with insulin or also called insulin resistance

symptoms are generally slow growing, so many people do not know that he had diabetes. people affected by diabetes is not absolutely require insulin injections because the pancreas is still able to produce insulin

3. gestational diabetes

Diabetes is common in pregnant women are estimated to occur about 2-5 percent of all pregnancies. This condition occurs because the body lacks the ability to produce insulin needed by the body

diabetes is common in women who have a family history of diabetes or it could be due to obesity.

Stop Smoking OR Stop Breathing

many people who intend to stop smoking, but does not know when he will begin to stop smoking it. Actually, it's easy to quit smoking. It's just keeping the commitment to not smoke again it was the most difficult. You do not be surprised if many of the smokers who tried to quit smoking but failed for many reasons.
If you want to quit smoking do so seriously. Because if you are trying to quit smoking but without serious intentions. Your efforts will be in vain. If you are confused about when to begin to stop. start now do not delay anymore. because the longer you delay, the longer you stop smoking
Here are some tips to quit smoking that may be useful to help you.
1. Gradually ceased
To be truly free from cigarette addiction, you can do it gradually. This way you can control your body eliminating the need for gradual nicotine throughout the day. example: if you normally within 1 day you can spend 1 pack of cigarettes, then the next day you try to consume only about 9 pieces, then 6 and so on until you really need nicotine quit.
2. Assist with Sports
Exercise can also help the process of quitting smoking. Exercise will help increase awareness and eliminate stress from cigarette addiction
3. Support from the
If you want to completely quit smoking right then ask for help from friends and family to remind you. because the role of family and friends you will help your business berheti smoke
4. Make yourself busy
Generally it when people smoke free time. by making yourself busy, it will make you forget the cigarettes. sibukan yourself with new habits positive, such as the Sports and Recreation.
Actually, there is a critical success factor in yourself. if you have a strong embroidery and awareness of the dangers of smoking, you'll most likely escaped total of addiction to cigarettes.

Thursday 14 February 2013

iPhone 5 Design

The iPhone 5, like all the iPhone before it, is an evolution not a revolution, but at least in the largest evolution we've seen over the years with new design, larger screen size and superfast 4G connectivity. But high prices and the usual Apple-restriction, is it enough to exceed the Samsung Galaxy S3, LG Optimus 4X HD or Nokia Lumia 920? With a few months of use is now under our belts, it's time to find out, for the second time.

It all started with aluminum backs scratched. Gone are the back glass and the old steel to be replaced with a single piece of aluminum carved to form the back and sides. It is etched on the back and sides to create a matt look. As well as look great it also makes the phone easier to grip and keeps it from slipping so easily - the iPhone 4/4S has the amazing ability to slide down even find the flattest surface.

However, not all good. Very early there were complaints that the black version is quite easy to peel off, showing the shiny metal, and it has proven to be a common problem that we would stongly suggest opt ​​for the white version instead. That said, we are also looking for a white version surprising battered after only four months of use

The main problem areas are beveled edges and a shiny Apple logo on the back, where the start of any immediately visible against the pure shiny surface. And while we do not follow the phone in case it is always limited to the otherwise empty pockets. Like having a two-year iPhone 4 is still looking for a near flawless - see below.

Frankly, compared to glass and steel building of the iPhone 4 and 4S, iPhone 5 is a step backwards in terms of durability signiifacnt. Of course, the glass rear slick but it proved to be difficult as well, and maybe it could have engraved or something to make it less slippery. Hammering home the point is black or white glass inserts at the back of the iPhone 5, month, net. Obviously, if you are very careful and use cases iPhone 5 will remain pristine for longer but it remains a concern.

 iPhone 5 is 20 percent lighter (112g compared to 140g) and 18 percent thinner (123.8 x 58.6 x 7.6mm compared with 115.2 x 58.6 x 9.3mm). It makes a surprising difference when you actually handle and compare the two devices, with the iPhone 5 almost felt a little too light at first, compared with convincing solidity of the 4S.

Apple has moved from microSIM now pretty standard for a Nanosim smaller, so if you buy a phone without a contract / SIM you should contact your network to get a new driver's license or get the scissors out. You should be able to cut down some of the new SIM contacts layout is the same.

The new connector will carry audio, HD video, data and of course the cost of the phone, the adapter is available to convert the signal for virtually all other types of connections you can give a name. Lightning is also reversible so you do not have to worry about that along the way that you put in, and it's sturdy plug too

To comply with EU regulations which stipulate microUSB connection should be used as a standard for all new phones, Apple does not offer lightning to microUSB adapter as well, but again cost a bit wince-inducing £ 15.

iPhone 5 looks like a victory, even though the long-term use has been shown to have a number of disadvantages such as scratching and headphone position